Ohio 4-H offers a variety of awards and opportunities at the state level!

The links below contain information which will be helpful to 4-H members, parents, and volunteer leaders.

Note: Many of the forms must be signed by the 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator before they are submitted.

Statewide 4-H Camping Opportunities

For information regarding County Camping Opportunites please visit your local Extension Office!

Ohio 4-H Older Youth Opportunities Table: The 4-H Older Youth Opporunities Table is a fantastic resource that provides a description of each of the following opportunities, as well as what 4-H youth need to do to apply. It is encouraged that all families review it annually to see what their member is eligible for. If you decide to apply for an opportunity, please let the Extension Office know. Our local 4-H Foundation has funds available to support youth who take advantage of these opportunities!


State Achievement Awards: These 25 awards recognize a 4-H member’s achievements in a specific area. Award recipients receive a paid trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia. To apply, youth should complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Application and submit it to Katie by February 1st to review!

Ohio Township Association 4-H Local Government Award: This $1500 award is designed to reinforce the importance of having youth become contributing citizens in their communities.Seniors in high school planning to attend college are eligible. To apply, youth should complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Application and submit it to Katie by February 1st for her review.

Ohio State Fair Scholarships: Over $30,000 awarded annually!! Award amounts and application details vary. Visit Ohio State Fair Scholarships for more information.

Ohio 4-H Scholarships: There are currently 36 different scholarships available! Scholarship amounts and application details vary. Visit Ohio 4-H Scholarships for more information. Applications are due February 15th!


Ohio Fair Managers Convention: Day-long conference at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. All Shelby County Junior Fair Board members are invited and encouraged to attend!

Ohio 4-H Conference: Day-long conference at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. All active 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) are welcome to attend!

Ohio Youth Capital Challenge: Interested in learning more about government and public policy and make a difference in your community? OYCC is for you! Youth in at least ninth grade and between the ages of 14-18 are invited to apply!

Buckeye Leadership Workshop: Develop your leadership skills while participating in a powerful learning environment. BLW is scheduled for March 22-26, 2023 at Recereation Unlimited!

Citizenship Washington Focus: Teens ages 14-19 have the opportunity to explore, develop, and refine your civic engagement skills to be a leader in your community and nationally! Enjoy hands-on workshops and sightseeing around Washington D.C. Shelby County will be on the June 18th through the 23rd trip!

National 4-H Dairy Conference: Will be held at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin during early October in 2023. To apply, youth ages 14-18 should complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Application and submit it to Katie before February 1st to review!


Ohio 4-H Health Heroes: Program designed to spread the word that young people can have a strong voice in advocating for healthy changes. Youth in grades 9 through 12 are encouraged to apply. Applications are currently closed for 2023- check back next year!

Ohio 4-H Fashion Board: State 4-H Fashion Board is a group of outstadning 4-H teens interested in clothing and textiles. They assist at the State Fair 4-H Fashion Revue, 4-H clothing workshop session, and promoting 4-H clothing projects and programs. Terms are one year in length and can be nominated by their county.

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council: Statewide group of 4-H teens and young 4-H alumni that provide young stakeholder perspective in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Ohio 4-H programming. They serve as a sounding board for Ohio 4-H program direction. Youth ages 14-18 are encouraged to apply for the council. Applications are closed for the 2022-2023 year- check back this summer for the 2023-2024 application!

Ohio State Junior Fair Board: Made up of Ohio's best and brightest young leaders, hand selected to contribute to the success of the Ohio State Fair. Teens ages 16-20 that are currently a member of 4-H, FFA, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, or Farm Buareau are eligilble to apply. The 2023 application for the Ohio State Fair Junior Fair Board closes on March 1st! Visit Ohio State Fair Junior Fair Board Application to apply today!